Procedure For Finalization & dispatch of reports, certificates and logos

Procedure For Finalization & dispatch of reports, certificates and logos

1.0OBJECTIVE:This procedure compliance to requirements applies to client use of certification body (Logo) for the correct use of logos and certification mark as per requirements of ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015.

2.0SCOPE: Applies to all customers that IBMS Certification has certified.

3.0RESPONSIBILITY: Certification Manager/Operation Manager


4.1.1 After the successful completion of the IBMScertification process, as a certified/registered organization, our clients are entitled to display and use the certification mark or logo in advertising matter on letterheads, compliment slips, business cards, brochures and marketing materials (including websites), etc and IBMS logo are subject to the following conditions

a)   Conforms to requirements of IBMS whenmaking reference to its certification status in communication media such asInternet, brochures or advertising or other documents.

b)   Does not make or permit any misleadingstatement regarding its certification,

c)   Does not use or permit the use of thecertification document or any part thereof in a misleading manner (i.e. thelogo(s) can only be used in conjunction with the client name and location thatgained certification/registration).

d)   Upon suspension or withdrawal of thecertification, discontinues its use of all advertising materials (hardcopyand/or electronic versions) that contains a reference to certification

e)   Upon reduction of scope ofCertification, client shall amend all advertising matter

f)    Shall not use the certificationinformation in a manner to imply that the product or service is certified. Thecertification mark or logo shall not be used on a product or product packagingas this could be interpreted as denoting product conformity.

g)   The Logos cannot be used on customer laboratorytest reports, inspection reports,calibration and audit reports.

h)   Does not imply that certificationapplies to activities that are outside the scope of its certification,

i)     Shall not use the certification insuch a manner that would bring IBMSand /or the certification system intodisrepute and lose public trust.

j)     Logos shall also not to be applied onvisiting cards


4.1.2The Certification Body Logo may be uniformly reduced or enlarged but shall notbe not be less than 15 mm in height and not less than 12mm in width (minimumsize15x12mm.), but both the symbols should belegible.


4.1.3Colour: IBMS certification system can use 3 colours, which are Blue, white, Red.

1.1   Misuse

The misuseof marks or certificate shall result in the following actions.

·        Immediate withdrawal of the offendingliterature by the client,

·        Suspension of approval (certification)until misuse is rectified.

·        Withdrawal of approval together with publicationof the reason for withdrawal.

·        If necessary, Legal Action shall betaken against the client by way of Lodging First Information Report with thecompetent authority.

1.2   Withdrawal of Certification

In the eventthat approval is withdrawn, the client shall immediately cease use anddistribution of any literature, stationary etc bearing the mark. The artworksupplied and all the original approval certificates are to be returned to IBMSCertification.




·        Dispatch of Certificate and Logo IBMS-INS-06

·        Use of Logo & marks IBMS-F-06

·        Certification Agreement in IBMS-F-05
